Underwater wall art

Every single photo can be ordered as a canvas print here.

Scuba diving wrecks wall art

Wrecks are definitely a Maltese underwater gem. There’s just so many of them for any diver’s level. The ones definitely worth having as a canvas print are Um El Faroud in Zurrieq, P29 in Cirkewwa, P31 in Comino and MV Karwela in Gozo, famous for it’s staircase.

See more underwater wall art from the scuba diving wrecks category

Marine life wall art

There’s so much life hidden underwater: nudibranchs, octopus, crabs, shells, shrimps, cuttlefishes, rays, amberjacks, barracudas, groupers – browse through our collection of canvas prints and make one yours.

See more underwater wall art from the marine life category

Cave diving wall art

Cave diving is always special. The feeling you get as a diver passing through narrow passages without actually knowing what awaits around the corner is magnificent. Thanks to it’s hues of blue, cave diving photographs make ideal underwater wall art to have at your home or home office.

See more underwater wall art from the cave diving category

There's more wall art to choose from:

Crabs, Nudibranchs, Octopuses and Rays

Hermit crabs

Imagine being a nomad and always carrying everything you need with you. This is exactly who hermit crab is. Due to their fragile body, hermit crab always (or almost always) carry it’s home right on his back.


Nudibranch is arguably the most beautiful underwater creature that exist out there. They are so small, that often remain unnoticed by the scuba divers. And they look gorgeous on a canvas print too!


Octopus is one of the smartest guys you can find underwater. They have very good sight and easily notice divers approaching from afar. Spotting one can be quite tricky as apart from their sight, they are masters of camouflage. Undoubtedly octopuses make astonishingly good underwater wall art.


Rays are gorgeous! Every diver get excited when any kind of ray is passing by. Common stingray is the one that you would likely see in the Maltese waters. Yet there are more! Common eagle rays are way less common but still can be spotted from time to time especially when you go deeper.