

Images Licensing:

We use the following images licensing on the website: Royalty free (RF) and Rights managed (RM).

Royalty free (RF) license is a default license that we use on the website. That means you are free to use them as you would like to.

Please see a detailed description of 2 license types below:

Royalty Free (RF):

You can use the image with no restrictions whatsoever, across multiple projects.
Feel free to use Royalty Free (RF) license images in newspapers, magazines, online, social blogs, prints, canvas prints, or just as a desktop wallpaperJ. You can use them for your company advertisement and any supporting promotional material… No restrictions applies.
Also no time based restrictions applies, which means that images are yours, forever!
Please note that images sold under Royalty Free (RF) license are non-exclusive (which means that other people can be using the same images too). To avoid that, please contact us for Rights Managed (RM) licence.

Rights Managed (RM)

Sometimes there is a possibility that some images on the website can be sold under the Rights Managed (RM) licence. This gives you an exclusive right to use the image as you would like to. In other words, an image sold under the Rights Managed (RM) licence can only be sold once and will be removed from the website and will not be available for sale anymore. To get the prices for any image on the website under the RM licence – please contact us